Monday, December 29, 2008


This is a blog that will help you loose weight while eating delicious things in the same time. The Piere Dukan Diet (Protal) is in 4 major stages. They are easy to follow and extremely effective.

Stage 1 - Proteins Only. Including lowfat milk, veal, chicken, beef, horse and rabbit meat, all kind of fishes, low-fat ham (with 2%-4% fat). The first stage can be from 3 to 7 days, depending on the weight you need to loose. In these stage (and every other) is extremely important to drink water (min. 1,5l.). Don't do any hard work during this stage, cause you may feel overwhelmed and dizzy because of the stress.

Stage 2 - Proteins and Vegetables. In theese stage you mix few days on proteins only with few days on proteins + vegetables. The best and most effective combination is 5(PO)/4(PV) ot 4(PO)/3(PV). You can eat only the listed vegetables which are: cucumbers, lettuce (green salad), broccoli, green beans, tomatoes, turnip, brussels sprouts, onion, leeks, mushrooms, cauliflower, peppers, cabbage, spinach. Stage 2 continues until you reach your goal and perfect weight.

Stage 3 - The Hard One. In this stage you need to keep the weight you've reached in Stage 2 and start eating all kind of things. You can eat everything included in PV days +
a) once a week 200gr. pasta, 150gr potatoes and rice
b) fruits - once a day (without bananas, grapes and cherries)
c) 2 slices of diet bread
d) 40gr. cheese
e) 2 times a week you can eat whatever you want on dinner. Anyway, don't loose your mind :)
f) once a week you need to keep a Protein Only day
This Stage longs as much as Stage 2.

Stage 4 - Keeping the weight. Starting to eat everything, once a week PO day. This one lasts forever.

These are the basic stages you need to know. In next posts we'll explain more about what and how you can eat or not.